About Me

My love for photos started at a young age. I love looking back on special moments and fun times. The non traditional photos are my favorite! I just love leaving my memories behind for my kids to look at threw photos. The photos keep me humble with where we have been and help remembering the most memorable parts of life. You have an amazing life so why not permanently remember it with a photo!
That's where I come in! Let's photograph your legacy.
Contact me today to book your next session!
Devon Zepeda
Hi! Thanks for dropping by! My name is Devon ( Dev-in), but you can call me Dev. I am a mother of 3 ( yes 3 ) awesome kids and a new pup mom. I have been married to my adoring husband for 10 years and together for 15. I am a Centennial based photographer. I enjoy taking maternity, baby and family photos!
A few fun things about me: I love to craft! I believe the more you let your soul shine and be true to yourself the more beautiful you become. I live for summer nights being barefoot and sippin' whiskey & lemonade, but my heart glows for the autumn season (leggings, sweaters and boots! WHOOP! WHOOP!). Friends is my most favorite t.v show EVER!! I quote movies and songs more then I should and being serious is very hard for me. Chocolate covered espresso beans are the bees knees! I am a HUGE Disney fan! Purple is my favorite color if you couldn't tell. I also believe you should leave a little sparkle wherever you go!

Contact Me
Thornton, CO 80602